Diggit ![]() Now most people probably know the story of Thumbelina. Thumbelina is a tiny girl who is 1/36th as big as a six-foot tall human. She sleeps in a walnut shell and gets captured by a frog queen. Well, there is a part of that story that the authors just happened to leave out. We will tell you about this part later on in our story. But first, close your eyes and imagine that you are an inch tall. Imagine that you sleep in a matchbox. You are Thumbelina’s pet monkey, Diggit. Diggit is 1/36 as big as a three-foot monkey. I’ll bet you didn’t know that Thumbelina had a pet monkey, did you? Thumbelina acquired Diggit from the Good Witch of the North. Diggit was a reward for saving the Witch’s pet spider, Charlotte, from a raging stream. Thumbelina and Diggit became inseparable. Where one would go so would the other. Eventually, they could even read each other’s minds. This skill would become very important in future adventures. Despite his size, Diggit would prove to be very brave and loyal to Thumbelina. Since Diggit was only one inch high, Thumbelina used a shoestring as his leash, a matchbox as his bed, and a small bush as his playground. She made sure that he had enough to eat and plenty of playtime. Diggit had many friends that played in the same bush. Some of his friends were Charmander, Spongebob, and Hedwig. Charmander was a two inch high dragon. Spongebob was a one inch tall kitty. Hedwig was a one inch tall owl. One day, while Diggit and his friends were playing in the bush, Thumbelina went grocery shopping. She and Diggit both loved toasted lily pads with blackberry jam so she went in search of The Pond of Many Frogs. The Pond of Many Frogs was well known for its many lily pads. Thumbelina thought that the frogs might be willing to give her a few lily pads in exchange for two fly cakes with grasshopper frosting. While Thumbelina was shopping, Diggit and his friends encountered a bit of trouble. See, the queen of the frogs had been spying on Thumbelina for a while. She had gone to the bush to ask Thumbelina to marry her son, Prince Squishy. When she arrived at the bush, she asked Diggit where Thumbelina was. Diggit and his friends wouldn’t tell her. The queen got extremely mad and turned all of the pets but Diggit into poisonous mushrooms. The queen then took Diggit back to her lily pad and kept him captive. Upon her arrival home, she discovered Thumbelina trying to buy lily pads from her son’s private stash. Thumbelina was immediately put into a cage and told that if she didn’t marry Prince Squishy that Diggit would be fed the poisonous mushrooms. Thumbelina regretfully agreed to marry Prince Squishy. The whole time that this was going on, Diggit had been devising a master plan. He used his mind reading powers to tell Thumbelina to stay awake as long as she could. Then he unlocked the prison that he was being kept in and ran to Prince Squishy’s lily pad. He told Prince Squishy what was going on. As is was, Prince Squishy was so in love with Thumbelina that he agreed to unlock her cage and let her go. There were only two catches. She still had to marry him before sunrise the next day. If she would do that, she could have all the lily pads she wanted and could go back to her walnut shell bed. Also, Diggit would have to agree to be the new Prince of The Frogs, as Squishy wanted to forfeit his throne. As it was, Prince Squishy had to marry before he could forfeit the throne. Thumbelina and Diggit agreed to this plan. Therefore, Thumbelina and Squishy were married. Before Squishy set Thumbelina free, he turned to Diggit and said, "You are the most faithful, brave, and amazing pet I have ever met in my entire life. You will always be welcome at The Pond of Many Frogs." After that, Squishy went on to life his life as a lily pad farmer and Thumbelina and Diggit lived happily ever after. |
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