Puffy and the Spaceship

Puffy was a big fellow, and very unusual. First of all, he was 24 feet tall; four times the size of the average man. Another unusual characteristic of Puffy was that he was made of marshmallows. Puffy came from the far off planet Smore. The planet was called Smore because everything there was made of chocolate, graham crackers, or marshmallows (like puffy).

One day, Puffy was out riding around in his marshmallow spaceship. Suddenly, an asteroid struck Puffy’s spaceship! The asteroid sent his spaceship careening out of control toward Earth. Fortunately for Puffy, a marshmallow spaceship does not crash very hard, so Puffy escaped the wreckage unharmed.

Puffy had never seen such an odd place in his life. The trees did not have marshmallow leaves, and the rivers were not flowing with melted chocolate, but water! Puffy didn’t know what to do. He could fix his marshmallow spaceship on his home planet, because there were so many marshmallows, but here, there were none to be found. All puffy could do was sit down on a hay bale by his spaceship and begin to cry.

Suddenly a crashing sound arose in the bushes, and out popped an elephant. "What are you?" Puffy asked the elephant. "I was about to ask you the same thing," replied the elephant. They began talking and Puffy found out the elephant’s name was Peanuts. He also found out that Peanut’s most favorite thing in the world was peanuts. Peanuts could eat peanuts all day.

The two became fast friends and they set out on their quest: Puffy to find marshmallows, and Peanuts to find peanuts. Along the way they met a man selling lemonade. They were both very thirsty, but it wouldn’t do much good for a 24-foot tall person to drink out of a 6-inch glass. So, they saw a trash can lying by the road and Puffy had a good drink from the trash can.

The man selling lemonade told them of a place that had both marshmallows and peanuts. It is called a Salted Nut Roll factory. Neither of them had ever heard of a Salted Nut Roll before, but they continued on in search of the factory.

Soon they came upon a sign that said, "Salted Nut Roll Factory". Puffy and peanuts figured they should look inside the large building next to the sign.

Upon entering the building, they asked a security guard if they could talk to the manager. They were sent to an office down the hall. Along the way, they saw huge containers of marshmallows, peanuts, and other ingredients needed to make Salted Nut Rolls. They asked the manager if they could have some marshmallows and peanuts. The manager confessed to them, "We here at the factory have a large problem. A mouse has been getting into our Salted Nut Roll bars. No one will buy candy that had a mouse in it. If you can rid the factory of the mouse, you can have all the marshmallows and peanuts you want." Puffy and Peanuts realized this was their best chance for completing their quest.

They searched high and low for the mouse, in fact, they searched for two days. At the end of the second day, they finally found the mouse. Peanuts wanted to smash the mouse because as we all know, mice and elephants don’t get along well. Puffy wouldn’t allow that. Just because some mice were mean to elephants or visa versa, that doesn’t mean all they are all mean. So they talked and they learned the mouse just loved eating sweets and since this had more sweets than anywhere else around, she was going to stay. Puffy told the mouse, "If you leave the factory and come with me in my spaceship, you can come to a place with even more sweets that this factory." The mouse was so excited; she couldn’t get out of the factory fast enough.

The whole staff was so happy, they helped Puffy carry all the marshmallows he needed back to his spaceship, and they didn’t forget Peanuts either. They gave him all the peanuts he could handle. So, Puffy fixed his spaceship, Peanuts got his Peanuts and the mouse went back with Puffy to the planet Smore and they all lived happily ever after.



 Email: cindy.kroon@k12.sd.us    K12 Data Center      DDN   Common Core Standards (CCSSM)